How To Become Rich Fast, Real Practical Advice You Must Know

How To Become Rich Fast, Real Practical Advice You Must Know

How to become rich Fast. This is called ‘Give your 100%’ – Why do I focus so much on 100%? Because this is the real game. You want to stay mediocre, ordinary, never truly achieve what you want, stay the same;

But as I have already said. Your surrounding isn’t putting their 100% either, so that gives you a natural advantage over them. Take that as a blessing.

Now what does 100% really mean? To most it might sound like extreme labor. You have a natural potential, call it energy, daily capacity, efficiency what I mean by that is, you are with or without choice, fulfilling or using the 100% of that potential every single day.

The one you call winner, consciously plans and chooses the activities in which he will be participating and using that potential.

The one you call loser, doesn’t give a shit. You have met those people, “I don’t give a shit.” I don’t even have things planned for the next hour, how silly of you to ask me what I am going to do tomorrow? You heard this quote, maybe in a different language, but you heard this line being said with pride. This line, If not said as a joke. Makes the person a moron.

You don’t believe me? Ask any person who is working with the motivation to become a millionaire, he will have his shit planned in a tight schedule. Figure out in a paper where you use all your energy on daily basis. If you need any help, let me provide you that as well, here are some of my guesses:

Get rid of stupid shits, Want To Know what I mean by that?

How To Become Rich Fast, Real Practical Advice You Must Know

Girls, texting, porn, films, gaming, TV shows, more texting, gaming apps, internet browsing, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, snapchat, get togethers, clubbing, partying, malls, planned dinners, hang-outs, drinking, smoking, drugs,

This list might sound very cliched and stupid, because you actually know that this things are a time waste. But despite that fact in this list, you will find where your remaining 90% efficiency goes. Then you can argue how can all these things drain my energy? They hardly require any physical work.

Well, something more important than physical energy required to become better is called mental energy. When you aimlessly feed your mind information that is serving you no purpose other than entertainment, gossip and time pass, do not fool yourself into believing that your mind is shut off.

Your mind isn’t a sentient being, it will process and consume whatever you feed it, that is its function.

Which is why, ultimately it will get too tired for studies, work, learning, brainstorming, creative thinking, or any productive engagements. For example, when you watch a movie at a theater, don’t you think or talk about it for the entire day?

Why do you think that happens, after all that movie was entertainment. It happens because you fed your mind 2 or 3 hours of information with the greatest focus known to man. When you watch a movie, you shut off all the other issues where your mind generally engages, which is why your mind processes the movie and generates thoughts about it the entire day.

Take another example, gaming. What happens when you game continously for 7 or 8 hours a day? You get dreams of playing the same game in your sleep. Why? The same applies. The focus is constant if not more. But instead of 2 or 3 hours, it’s 8 or 10. The information is such an overload for your brain, that it completely takes over your consciousness.

I can go on and on about every single activity in the list. How is it not affecting your mental energy?

Now, you might ask, are you asking me to stop watching any movie or my favorite TV shows? No. Priorities. Introduce this word in your life.

Let me tell you one thing, the objective of movies, tv shows, facebook, all these stupid apps and shits, is not to provide you with entertainment; it’s to make tons of money off you.

They are fulfilling their objective and their motive is selfish. Why are you helping them endlessly when it’s not the other way around? When you figure out on which things you are wasting your potential, make a change. And this is the first change in this series that I am asking you to make;

The ratio of 10% work and 90% helping millionaires make money, girls, and other shits should change to 90% work and 10% fun.

Work for yourself and on yourself. Most people want to better themselves, but they get satisfied at getting the answer, because they find that the solution is asking them to work, there are exercises, you’d have to make efforts. And most of us just want magical solutions, little formulas, an exercise that takes seconds to fix your problem.

Why is 100% important? The world is actually a simple place, there are opportunities that will significantly increase the state of your bank account, to get those opportunities you need to be prepared, preparation doesn’t happen overnight – which you are used to doing; and therefore, you remain part of the stupid workforce.

Another problem is, Most people stop doing the 90% bullshit, but still waste time in the vacuum they have created, as the percentage of the work still remains 10%. You can get rid of the apps, girls, addictions, but it is still useless if you don’t know what to do.

Don’t worry, I have got it covered for you in the next Post. best ways to become rich.

But I am pretty sure you do know what are the things you need to do to grow, succeed, and tear the competition apart. So be patient. The first thing I am asking you to do is, management. Manage your addictions. Don’t get rid of them yet, learn to control them first.

Acknowledgement of your problems in itself is the first stage to recovery. You are close to victory. Take some time out today, and find out, acknowledge, and accept all the things you do on a daily basis that take away a lot of your time, and give you nothing in return. Just do that. This is a re-evolution. You’re going to become conqueror after this series is over.

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