How to move on from an ex (Completely)

How to move on from an ex (Completely)

How to move on from an ex Completely, Follow this post if only you have decided 100% you need to move on from this person, and no matter what may happen tomorrow, there is no force on this planet that will make you get back with her.

Now, in case you haven’t decided that yet, read this blog first, it is made precisely for the reason to help you get rid of any inner conflicts.

How to move on from an ex Completely , Cut All Ties

Cut her off completely from your life.

Accept You’re Never Getting Back.

Accept that you are never getting back. If she didn’t care about you when she was in a relationship with you, she wouldn’t now. So stop expecting. It is not only hopeless, but self detrimental.

No Compromise

Stop bargaining with your mind. If you discuss making compromises in your head, know that such compromises are directed towards the death of your self respect, self esteem, and your individuality.

Mind Vs Fellings

Constantly get in a debate in your head when you start missing her. It’s a debate between your mind and your feelings. Start using logic. Think of 10 major problems you had with her as a girlfriend and as a person. I guarantee you, by the time you’re at reason no. 5, you’b like, “thank god, I am not with this person any more.”

Make List

Make a list of all the things you disliked about her. Be brutally honest.

Make a list of all the opportunities you came across, the things you could have done but couldn’t because the presence of that person somehow contributed greatly to the opposite direction.

Make a list of all the girls you have met in your life who are smarter, more sensible, and nicer than her.

Join The Gym

Join the gym today. You’re dealing with self hatred. You are partially blaming yourself. So destroy self hatred by self Betterment. Get into a 100 days program so you don’t lose motivation, get lazy, and give up. Each day you go to the gym, you make progress equivalent to 1%. So 100 days means 100%. If you miss a day, you take 1% off.

Do this religiously and take pictures every weekend, so you can keep a track of your progress.

Appreciate Love Around You

Appreciate the people in your life who has always been there for you. Call your mom and have a conversation with her for atleast 15 minutes daily. Why? Because right now you feel unloved, without realizing that there are people who love you unconditionally, and will do anything for you.

Understand and accept that all this while. You have been appreciating love coming from the wrong person.

involve Your Friends

Tell your friends directly that you need there help to move on. Don’t get into any emotional details. Just give them directions: they need to accompany you to the gym, be a part of your 100 days journey.

Tell them it’s their job to make sure you don’t miss a single day. It’s their job to stop you immediately the moment you mention your ex. And are about to share your feelings about the whole experience. Non of that shit.

Let Out Your Pain

Let out your pain whenever it hits you. Secure a corner, throw away the phone because that will be the time your brain stops working and you might end up calling that person. Secure a safe spot and cry as long as you want to. There is nothing unmanly about tears. After crying you will feel much better and kind of happy.

Bye Bye Break-Up Songs

Don’t listen to any romantic songs, Don’t get manipulated into feeling something. Feel only when it comes from the inside.

Stop Talking About Your Ex

Stop talking about your ex. By telling every person you meet your tragic love story, you are only clicking the refresh button. They are going to sympathies with you for a moment, and then leave. You will be the one thinking about her for the rest of the day, getting tortured.

Reconnect With People

Reconnect with people from your past and make efforts to meet new people. If you’re at your workplace, strike up conversations with your colleagues. Since they are not personal friends and know jackshit about your life, they will be talking about office politics, or ramble about the boss, or even tell you some funny stories. The point is, in relationships, people don’t really feel the inclination to invite more people in their lives as they live in the illusion of completeness.

So you need to change your previously acquired habits and get out of your comfort zone.

Stay Engaged

Keep yourself engaged when you are alone. For example, let’s say you take the metro to work everyday. You don’t have to sit there idly for 20 minutes because the foremost thing going in your head is the resent tragedy. So read a book, not necessarily a novel. Pick a book on your favorite subject, or your area of interest.

It will not only keep you occupied but increase your knowledge, if you drive, listen to audio books.

Become Self Sufficient

You need to realize one simple fact: in order to be complete, you don’t need another person.

Get New Crushes

Get as many crushes as you can. Fill up your folders, not with porn, but with real celebrity crushes. Watch their interviews, fall in love with them, check out their pictures, admire their beauty. Since they are celebrities, your mind knows the love you feel is actually not real, so they serve as great distractions.

The reason behind doing this is, you’re appreciating beauty. Right now. The only definition of beauty you have starts and ends with this person. So in order to end that, you will have to see how much beauty there is In this world. Look at all the Victoria’s secret models, the pop stars, actresses, go out as much as you can, and just look at people.

Until finally you’ve understood the fact there are just way too many beautiful people in the world. Your ex is just another person. The same exercise will also help you rid of the sexual fixation you have with her.

Take Trips

Travel, Take Trips. By traveling, you see so much of the world unknown to you, which introduces to you the insignificance of your existence. In any other situation, such an observation would be construed as pretty dark, morose and negative. But in your situation, that’s exactly what you need to experience.

Your world revolves around this person right now. In the face of thousands of people from different walks of life, you realize how insignificant your problem really is; and that will consistently make you feel much better.

She Is An Addiction

Accept that you’re an addict of this person. Like every addict on this planet, to concur the addiction you first have to recognize and accept that disease. You have spent days and months continuously around this person. And in a moment, she is gone. So most of the feelings that you’re confusing with love are actually your mind trying to deal with this unexpected change.

You have associated satisfaction with the presence of this person. Now in her absence, you’re unsatisfied, which gives birth to stress.

No Smoking Or Alcohol

Alcohol is not the solution, on the contrary, it’s only going to make things worse. Avoid consuming alcohol at all costs. Also, you’re dealing with stress. Do not for a second think smoking cigarettes is the solution.

Do not get into this habit solely for the reason that you’ve been told, or you think smoking is the apt thing to do at this point. It’s going to f..k your face, your health, your energy, your lungs, your heart, and is socially a highly unpleasant activity. If you don’t smoke don’t start, You’re already fighting an addiction right now, No need to add more.

Do Follow The First Six Steps

You will wonder because you miss her so much, it’s true love. Well, again, because she is an addition right now, your brain is demanding immediate and momentary satisfaction, so what it does is, it remove all the unpleasantness, and focuses only on the beautiful memories.

It’s typical addict behavior, when a smoker quits smoking, the brain gives all kinds of reasoning so you would smoke just once more. And it never ends. Which is why it’s very important you follow the first 6 steps.

Watch TV Shows

Because moving on is a journey, and not a switch, you’d have to keep yourself busy. Start watching television shows that are based on reality, and not stupid romantic comedies about 6 white people falling in love with each other. There are great comedy shows, such as community, parks and recreation, the office, Louie.

Watch animated shows, South Park, family guy, rick and morty, bojack horseman, Futurama, the list is very long. Watch drama, crime, superhero shows, anything. Your 6 months will pass comfortably, and you’d have gained a lot of self control while having suffered the least amount of suffering.

Be Patient

Be patient. It’s going to be very hard. Whenever you start to lose control and panic, start watching an episode of South Park, take a nap, go visit your friends, go for a run. One thing that you have to accept is, regardless of how focused you are, how determined you are to moving on, such moments will come that will destroy your mental state and make you want to do the stupidest things you’re going to regret later.

However The best part about these moments is, they pass. They don’t stay for too long. They are just mood swings. So when these moments come, don’t be surprised.

Five Target Statements

Take a pledge of changing your life and taking it to heights that are beyond your comfort zone. To completely move on, you have to be glad that you’re not with that person anymore. And in order to feel that, your life has to be in a much better position than it was with her.

So write 5 target statements. Target statements mean 5 unbelievably awesome things I am going to achieve or own by the end of this year, or in 12 months. And they have to be five. For example, I will be earning 10 lakhs per annum. I will be in the best shape of my life. I will read 20 books. I will learn a new language. I will learn how to play an instrument. I will buy this particular car. I will go on a trip to Italy on my dime.

Write 5 outrageously challenging statements, put them on your wall, and commit to achieving them at any cost.

Do It For Self Love.

You are doing all of this for yourself, not for this person, not to show of, not to rub it in her face. This is a new chapter in your life with a much better, modified, experienced, wise, determined version of you. Do it for your self respect and self love.

Now, this post is not only for people who have had a break up, this is for everybody who has faced a rejection in their past, can’t get over an obsession. Or has love problems – regardless of your Gender. So, without a question, share it with everyone. This post is about mending the broken threads and bettering your life.

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